George Lakhovsky

The multi-wave oscillator

by Georges Lakhovsky

original text pages from his book



Translation of Ludwig Minelli

Copyright by Georges Lakhovsky, Paris 1934th

The results obtained

  1930 I built the first multi-wave oscillator, which represents a significant improvement in my radio cells oscillator with which I in 1921 Pelargonienpflanzen that the Bacterium tumefaciens have had been transferred, healed.

  1931 I started to work with treatments through my multi-wave oscillator in different hospitals of Paris: the „Hôpital Saint-Louis“ in „Val-de-Grace», in «Calvaire», the «Hôpital Necker», in «Dispensaire Franco-British „, in the laboratories of the National Federation of lung injuries and the Institute of biological Physics.

  Within the medical profession, the doctors Pierre Rigaux and Foveau de Courmelles have awarded the implementation of this new system, which has been presented in the Medical Society of general practitioners on January 20, 1933rd

  Abroad, the apparatus has been used with success in Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Uruguay etc..

  Everywhere the results have exceeded all expectations.


  Hospital Saint-Louis. – Mrs C … 68 years. Epithelioma of the left corner of the eye on the left side of the nose, consisting in three years, to the extent of a 50-centime coin. Ever since this epithelioma has been hard and luxuriant.

  She was treated 23 years ago by Mr Brocq because of a cancer in the face with X-rays, has improved, but since then there is a horny crust.

  Treatment with the multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky. On 8 September1931, after investigation, they explained, in six months they have lost his memory, and take on the road into tears without knowing why.

  Starting treatment on 8 September. On 15, on the occasion of the third meeting of a quarter of an hour, an improvement in the general condition is noted. Reduction in the incidence of epithelioma of the inner corner of the eye of the left eye. The crust of the epithelioma has decreased.

  Gradually, the person wins her memory. Treatment is continued on the 17th, 19th, 24th, 29th. We notice an increasing and unambiguous improvement. Tuesday 13, Thursday 15 and Saturday, October 18 accepts the tumor more and more from, and the patient declared that it was determined a very noticeable overall improvement. Good sleep, good appetite. Pause until Thursday 22 The tumor is small, there remains only a small horny point. The patient stated that she felt tapers. 27 October of the tumor, is completely healed, almost disappeared.However, it remains to palpation slight hardening in depth. On November 19, the tumor has completely disappeared. It only remains a scar without any hardening. The face reveals an obvious rejuvenation.


Fig. . 5 – Low Mrs C … One sees the tumor of the eye angle and another tumor below the eye socket. You can see the wrinkles and spots on the nose, which constitute evidence of the cell degeneration of this 68-year old sick woman.

Shot before treatment


Fig. 6 The same motive, Mrs. C., …, cured of her cancer, with an amazingly rejuvenated skin.

In November the two tumors of the eye and cheek have completely disappeared. The patient explains always, she was actually rejuvenated , regaining happiness and joy in 30 years no longer. This patient maintains a fun atmosphere (Fig. 5 and 6).

This woman, completely healed, then wrote me the letter below:

      „Paris, June 3 1932nd


  „Allow me to give you a bit late express my thanks for the treatment that you inflict upon, and to tell you that not a day goes by without I get compliments on my shiny health and my strength to me.

  „The doctors who have known me before your treatment, and see me again today, are utterly amazed. One of them said to me recently: „They are tapered twenty years, fit again, almost young.

  „What is the name of the doctor who has cured?“

  „I then explained to this gentleman that I had been treated by Mr. Lakhovsky because of my disease next to the eye in Saint-Louis.

  „All persons who have known me for a long time, amazed by my general condition and the results achieved: Cure next to the eye and the other region; also my weight has increased: in September 1931, I weighed 55 kilos; in April 1932 56 kilos; on June 1, 58 kilos 200 grams.

  „This healing I owe you alone, and I do it to me today to duty to inform you something that you do not know; but after discussions, which I have noticed in Saint-Louis, I want you to know that the X-rays has remained fruitless actually dated 12 August 1931 at the end of that meeting told me the nurse: „They have moved; the plates have shifted, the session has failed and must be repeated. „

  „In fact, I had an anxiety attack, when the nurse had left the room and left me alone. I do not have to see me to those meetings. Thus, there are actually alone, to whom I owe all my healing.

  „With great respect, I send you a thousand thanks for my resurrection and healing in every way“

Sig. B. Widow Cruchot.

Hospital Saint-Louis : Mr M … eighty years. Naevokarzinom the left arm, with numerous dark spots, great viciousness, lack of defense of the stroma, which adapts to the excesses (Fig. 7). Small pigmentary knots for about seven years, has increased in the last two years, a striking amount. In the last ten days Axillary Gangliome. Treatment with the multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky. Beginning October 9. On 13 slight decrease of the tumor. On October 22, the formation of tumors has declined by seven meetings in half. After the 8th meeting the Gangliome have completely disappeared. Treatment is continued until 3 November and resumed on 10 November. The inclusion of 19 November shows a regression of the tumor by about 60% (Fig. 8). On December 15 only leaves a small residue of about 10%. Recording from January 7 shows that the tumor is completely healed. But the tissue appears still dark.


Fig . 7 – Tumor Mr M … Naevocarcinom, with numerous dark spots


Fig. . 8 – Same tumor as shown in figure 7. Recording from the 6th month after the end of treatment. The tumor is completely healed

Hospital Saint-Louis : J. S … Sixty-one years. Biopsy: Basozelluläres epithelioma at the inner left corner of the eye, consisting for fifteen years.

  Treatment with the multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky started on 13 October 1931st On October 19, the tumor has decreased sharply. The patient says, no longer suffer. Treatment is continued until the end of October. The first crust has fallen, which has left a very small swollen area.

  On November 10, the second crust has fallen off without leaving a tumor, but there remains a hardened annular outgrowth. On Tuesday 17, the hardening of the left half of the ring has been greatly reduced. On November 24, the patient observed a slight tingling sensation, but without suffering.

  On December 1, he explains, the tingle is gone. He sleeps well, has a good appetite and feels rejuvenated. On December 15, the hardened part on the left side is still present, but smaller.

Fig. 9 – Low Mr. J. S …. One recognizes a basocellular point on left nostril. Recording prior to treatment in the Hôpital Saint-Louis.

Fig. 10 – The same person, Mr. MS …, for healing

  The patient comes only once every eight days. On January 26, 1932 only remained some hardened bodies.

  A little later I had to stop this treatment as I had ceased to work at the Hospital Saint-Louis. The patient, Mr. J. S …, visited me a few months later in my laboratory and I found although the tumor had not returned that some hardened and red spots remained.

  I sent him to the Institute of Biological Physics, where Dr. Rigaux yet received him at about ten meetings with this treatment.

    During the year 1932, he was completely healed and came to tell me that he really is rejuvenated feel that he was without tiring to provide a significant degree of manual labor in a position – it is a packaging worker – a work that he no longer had to run, even when he was younger (Fig. 9 and 10).

  Val-de-Grace. – An awful headache suffering, around October 1928 MC has several doctors consulted. Since his condition seemed to worsen by the day, he went on 22 March 1929 a consultation in the Salpetriere. He was examined by Dr. Darquier in the Department of Professor Guillain. On March 23, he was accepted and remained there until 15 June of the same year

  Diagnosis: tumor of the cerebellum-bridge angle right by pressing on the trigeminal nerve and numbness of the right ear. It is hypothesized a syphilitic cause, but a blood sample and a lumbar puncture were found negative by Wassermann test.

  He was in the department of Dr. Mathieu twenty deep radiotherapeutic sessions, those known to cause no effect. Subsequently, he was supervised by Dr. Schmidt, also in the Department of Professor Guillain without any improvement since 1929 on.

  In joining the „Val-de-Grace» on January 25, 1932, he pointed at the right shoulder on a very hard ganglion in the size of a hen’s egg.

  On 1 February 1932, the treatment with the multi-wave oscillator is started. His general condition is extremely poor, he suffers terribly, no movement can perform with his head, can not stand upright and has only one idea: to kill himself.

  He is being treated at l., 4, 8 and 12 February in sessions of fifteen minutes duration. After this treatment, he no longer suffered. After a month of rest he was doing much better. He was able to walk alone, his face became rosy again. But he could not perform all movements with his head

  Since he could move now, he was transferred to continue his treatment in the Institute of Physics biologiche where Dr. Rigaux already performed with my multi-wave apparatus treatments.

  After ten sessions in this institution this patient was completely cured. He had increased by approximately 6 kg, had begun to work again and looked dazzling. It has even found an obvious rejuvenation with him.

  In the two years since he is healed, he felt nothing of that disease, is working as in the days of his youth, and has failed a single day, to go to his office.

  Here is moreover his letter, which I received from him on 1 January 1934 and has surprised me pleasantly, two years after his recovery:

Paris, 31 December 1933

  “ There is no day, dear sir, that I do not praise the providence which has allowed me to meet you.

  „Her treatment has worked wonders for me. In the past years I have not missed a day at my work. I even felt a lightness that reminds me in talismanic way of earlier times. Also, I am happy to present you testify my gratitude once again, because it is very comfortable to thank your expert intervention that I am to some extent returned to life after I had suffered follows and was desperate. 

  „Let me, dear sir, earlier this year you convey my best wishes as well as those of women Courbe, after which it was granted to you, nor to facilitate many unfortunate and those who suffer, hoping to offer   

  „Please take, sir, the assurance of my lively gratitude and my profound respect contrary.“ Sig : Courbe   

Calvaire. – Mrs. S., 84 years. Epithelioma of the upper half of the left cheek of 3 centimeters wide and 6 centimeters in height, to the scalp sufficiently (Fig. 10).

  This patient was treated three years ago at the „Centre anticancéreux». After surgery, a suspicious hardened node which she had undergone at this center in 1929, is a cancerous swollen wound had formed. 1929 and 1930 were two radium applications. Thereafter, it was found an improvement, but it was short-lived. The tumor has continued to exist and has been increasingly enlarged.

  Another small tumor the size of a bean is also occurred on the left cheek below the eye socket (Fig. 11).

  On the neck very hard ganglia are visible, one of which reached the size of a pigeon’s egg beneath the chin jaw. Moreover edema with horny skin is visible on the ear.

  Towards the middle of April this patient whose condition had deteriorated in the course of three years, been referred to the „Calvaire“.

On April 26, 1932, the patient is treated with the Lakhovsky multi-wavelength oscillator for 15 minutes. This treatment is repeated on April 28 for 10 minutes.

  On May 10, after two applications, the primary tumor has decreased in very remarkable extent and the crust has dropped. There is now only a wound of 1.5 centimeters wide and 2 centimeters in height. The small tumor in the region below the eye socket has disappeared (Fig. 12).

  The patient is exposed on May 12, again the waves of the multi Lakhovsky wave oscillator during 20 minutes. The edema in the ear and the ganglia are gone.

  On May 28, I explained the Superior of the „Calvaire“, you have both the care and the joining of the patient who was cured completely adjusted.

  It is photographed on May 30 (Fig. 13).

  Not only is determine that the tumor has completely disappeared, also the epidermis is tapered, and the folds of this woman of eighty-four years have decreased considerably. The skin is smooth, reddish and transparent as a young woman.

Fig. 11.- Woman S …, recording the day before their treatment on 25 April 1932. Notice the wrinkles of the neck and the aged tissue this woman of 82 years.

Fig. 12th – Same person. Woman S …, taken 16 days after the first shot, and after they had undergone only two treatment sessions. Note the taper of the fabric. The tumor under the eye has disappeared and the other has considerably diminished. The folds and under the Kinnbacke are also almost disappeared. Recording of 10 May 1932nd

Fig. . 13 – Same person, a month later added. The healing is complete. This woman of 82 years has has tissue and skin with transparency and redness of a woman of thirty to forty years. Recording of 30 May 1932nd

From eminent Swedish Professor Sven Johannsson from the hospital of Gothenburg, which has a multi-wave oscillator, I received the following letter, in which he tells the unexpected healing of severe Radiumdermitis.

    „Dear Mr. Lakhovsky,

  „For a long time I wanted to send you some photographs of a case that I have dealt with your terminal. This is a young man, in which the use of radium on a wart had a severe combustion result, which has for several months resisted any kind of treatment. The tendon was partially necrotic.There was a painful inflammation of the joint with an almost complete stiffness (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 – Recording before treatment is a Radiumdermitis to the oscillator Lakhovsky with multiple wavelengths whose treatment has failed in all other methods.

Fig. 15 – recording the same person to healing of Radiumdermitis by treatment with the Lakhovsky Multiwellen- oscillator running at the hospital to Gothenburg.

  „After treatment with your apparatus for several months (15 fig.) The Radiumdermitis and the inflammation is completely healed, and the mobility of the joint has improved considerably.“

  In November 1932, I received the visit of a Romanian Supreme. It was recommended to me by a professor in Bucharest, was in a deplorable condition and suffered from a serious cancer of the penis. He counted me on the labels of renowned doctors, to whom he had turned in vain.All had turned him down, as all treatments had failed with X-rays and radium. I then to the Institute of Biological Physics to Dr. Rigaux, sent these patients, who treated him until healed with a complete success with my oscillator.

  Here, moreover, the extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Society of the medical practitioner of 20 January 1933 in the course of which Dr. Rigaux to this case made an announcement.

Presentation of a patient of a

Penis cancer is infested

improved by the multi-wave oscillator of Lakhovsky,

by Doctor Pierre Rigaux 1

The kindness of my patients I owe the opportunity you to make this announcement. Before I introduce him, and so that they can examine it, I want to give you some hints about his health before treatment.

  Colonel T …, Bucharest, present here is 67 years old. During 30 years he suffered continuously under a phimosis.

  In September 1928 removed him a pea large firmly adhering papilloma between the foreskin and the glans. It performs a biopsy; negative .

  At the beginning of 1931 another papilloma. Carry out another biopsy; it is positive.

  On October 5, 1931 are employed him for seven days three radium needles, and from October 19, 1931 will begin treatment with x-rays; to heal the papilloma.

  In December 1931 shows on the glans a little erosion, and moreover, it is found that the patient is diabetic. He has at this moment 8 grams of sugar in the urine, and blood sugar value reaches 0.96.


  1. Extract from the monthly Bulletin of the Society of medical practitioners (XXXVIII. Year February 1933) (meeting of 20 January 1933)

It is subjected to a treatment with insulin. The glucose disappears from the urine and the blood sugar value reaches 0.28.

  On April 5 In 1932 dealt him a second time with radium. You put him on a radium-cuff, which brings no success .

  On June 2, 1932, decided to remove a ganglionic recently discovered enormous mass tissue from two strips wrinkles.

  One of these ganglia could be sampled; it was hard, callused and cancerous.

  In July 1932 further surgical intervention is proposed

  End July 1932 takes the patient on the advice of several doctors in Bucharest to Paris to be treated in the Curie Institute, and it is believed that it was necessary to wait six months before a new treatment is initiated with Radium. 1 .

  In August, he sees two of our colleagues, Dr. Coutard and Dr. Monod.

  In October he returned to Paris and presents the right in Curie Institute. Given the progression of the disease, it is believed, it would come to a new surgical procedure on. He also sees our colleagues Dr.Dartigues that same opinion. This operation must be global

be manschlägt before a complete emasculation. The patient rejects this, and at this moment he comes to me.


  1. At the moment of going to press I get the result of the biopsy performed in Bucarest on 20 July 1932 by Dr. Sp. Constantinescu, which includes an epithelioma of the foreskin.

  Colonel T … had hinted heard of the method of Georges Lakhovsky with which I in cooperation with him am working for more than a year.One method through which I will provide additional insights into a further session, if you wish. It comes to the treatment with the multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky.

  It is an apparatus that we owe a French scientist, the physicist and biologist Georges Lakhovsky, student of d’Arsonval. For ten years he used his time to and outputs its assets in order to make research into cancer. All his theories are known abroad. His books are with great interest, especially in Italy , in Germany , in Sweden read, etc., etc.,.

  I would now like to pass around a photograph that I … owe to the kindness of Colonel T.. It shows you the state of exhaustion in which he was a year ago: he slept no more, ass bad, suffered day and night, and now, since 6 October, the date on which I started the treatment, he has increased 5 kg, has no more blood sugar, also no sugar in the urine. He is euphoric, happy to live after he has previously only thought to kill himself.

  This patient currently has a fairly large number of meetings with demMultiwellen oscillator Lakhovsky behind. This apparatus is made up, roughly speaking, of a transmitter and a receiver of waves together, each of which has a series of concentric rings oscillating, each being attached to the other and simultaneously insulated from the other.

  This oscillator generates all basic wavelengths of ten centimeters up to 400 meters, which means all frequencies from 750,000 to 3 billion cycles per second. Each ring sends the remainder to very many harmonic waves that reached with the basic waves, their interference and the corona discharge a region to infrared, and even visible light (1 to 300 trillion vibrations per second). Since swing all the cells according to the theories of Lakhovsky with frequency in this range, they can find those frequencies thus produced field of such an oscillator, which will allow them to resonate.

  I will later explain the basics of the theory of Georges Lakhovsky. The case I am presenting to you is, randomly selected from a number of about one hundred patients that we have treated in cooperation and which have already experienced the benefits of this method. This method does not only results in the range of Neuplasien but also in pulmonary tuberculosis, all pain, and we have observed by the Swedish professor Sven Johansson also healing a Radiodermatitis with the Multi-wave oscillator. What I would like to place particular emphasis, is:

  Number 1 The general condition of the patient is improved in every respect. They take their sugar and their blood sugar vanish

2 ° The pain goes away, and who required narcotic, it can leave

  About the current state judge for yourself.

  Mind you, there is in this method, as with all others, even disappointments.

  I have believed for a year absolutely desperate cases of all discontinued cases, and I had the satisfaction, in particular the professional satisfaction that patients survived for one year.

  yet in my memory is the case of a woman who came to me with a breast cancer with metastases in both lungs; no one wanted to take to her. I could a year alive; now she has been dead for a few months without having suffered a lot. And I can give you many more quote: about those patient of 82 years, hospitalized Calvaire, of which we have „the antechamber of death“, over the entire medical history. Since 1929, suffering from a Epitheliom the left cheek of 3 centimeters in length to 6 centimeters, reaching to the hair roots, which healed in one month and four days, was definitely healed.

  I could speak of that patient in whom I had the opportunity to show them some of my colleagues; she was suffering from a tumor, which runs from the pubic symphysis to the coccyx from 5 to 6 cm on each side. She survived for a year.

 We start with two or three sessions, at the beginning of every day, then every 2 or 3 days, then break 8 days. The colonel has suffered in the first months four to five minutes a day, now he no longer suffers. When he came to me, his penis was two centimeters completely mortifying, with approach and the member, not only at the level of the urethra, but also at the level of the corpora cavernosa. I did not dare to use the method more, I wanted to but especially a separation without bleeding.

  I forgot, you bring the fallen piece that I kept in a flacon and saw a colleague of the Company. I enclose, that the patient had a scrotum, which reached the size of a melon. Now, how you see yourself, are the scrotum and its contents of normal volume.

  What are the applications? They expose the patient to the Lakhovsky oscillator for 10 to 15 minutes every day, then every 4 days and finally every 8 or 15 days. If a wound in the form of an ulcer present, access to an application of silver nitrate of 30 parts per thousand under the machine: this wound granulated rapidly. What seems especially the waves, but also the corona discharges and even the spark favor the regression of tumors. On the other hand I would absolutely start any discussion about the cancer as such and make comparisons between different treatments. What I want to tell you especially and what I want to place emphasis, is that the pain always disappear and that you always experience a remarkable improvement in the general condition. Regarding the current state here, I leave the judgment to you.(Applause.)

  This unexpected healing called in Romania, where the patient had returned, a strong sensation produced because all the professors who had treated him, believed him lost.

  I saw this colonel in Paris again in December 1933, one year after his healing. And I was surprised completely rejuvenated to see this man of sixty-eight years, was fresh complexion, and rested face, just cautious and come of to attest his gratitude. On the other hand gave me Dr. Raul Araujo, head physician of the Institute for prophylaxis in Montevideo, recently wrote:

Montevideo, the July 28, 1933.

    „Dear Master,

  „For a long time I should write to you, but after I entered the Cancer Institute of Montevideo, I started with your radio Cellulo oscillator treat for almost eight months with multiple shafts cancer and various diseases. I wanted to wait for the exact results to write to you.

  „After he was once erected, has your remarkable apparatus causes great satisfaction and miraculous healings. „In cancer, radiodermatitis, epilepsy, anemia, hypertension, uremia, gastrointestinal ulcers, etc., etc., the results exceed expectations.

  „I assure you that my always serious admiration and friendship. Yours faithfully „

Sig. Dr. Raul ARAUJO.

  I have also received a letter from Dr. Leonida Roversi, hospital director in Bologna (Italy):

Bologna, 16 June 1934th

„Monsieur and dear Professor,

  „While waiting to be pleasant for you, I would like to inform you that I have the tests and treatments using your Multi-wave oscillator with more leads.

   „I have already collected numerous observations and achieved satisfactory cures: Besides some negative cases in which it was about already too far advanced disease or elderly persons, I have obtained excellent results with respect to various ailments. Here are some of those cases, which appear most worthy for me to be mentioned, and of which I have you not been reported:

  „An adeno-carcinoma of the breast with a lady of fifty years, an extensive lipoma with another lady, a case of kidney stones, which frequent and painful colic caused, accompanied by a violent hematuria, insomnia and lack of appetite, which selbstverständlicheineimGenerellen deficient diet revealed , The patient has recovered in a relatively short time; he feels good, his weight has increased by 7 kilos. The made to control radiography showed that the kidney stone has its edgy excesses, which he showed earlier lost, and that it is uniform and smooth today.

  „Now also another excellent result, which I received in a short time: the improvement of an extended skin overgrowth hand one affected by diabetes lady whose general condition has improved considerably.

  „Another remarkable result which has brought both the patient myself full satisfaction, is that which I have achieved one of my colleagues. Older than I, chief surgeon and hospital director, affected by an arthritic and chronic diseases of the spine with scoliosis and sciatica vigorous, who had lost all hope of the known therapeutic options. He is now completely healed and full of gratitude to you and to me.

  „I also have good effects in two cases of paralysis of the facial nerve, in the case of multiple neuritis, which existed for eight years, in a case of bronchial asthma, which dated back to thirty years, in another case of asthma with weakness of the heart muscle, in a case of uremia and a case of neuritis, which had resisted all treatment, in two cases of arteriosclerosis and further treated recently cases to which I will have a pleasure to talk to you about it later.

„The public gets to know this method and witnessed an ever increasing confidence in your treatment.

  „In some time I will open up a new practice, where I will continue this work and observations; in the meantime, allow me to you a request to comment: I want your photograph and your signature; they will serve me as guide and encouragement to further along the path, for I have hired me.

  „In expressing my gratitude to you, I ask, sir, accept my respectful appreciation.“

Sig. D r L. Roversi

  Here also a letter from Dr. Postma from Groningen:

„My dear Lord Lakhovsky.

  „From Germany I have received a multi-wave oscillator, which has been built according to your theories. We have installed him here with Professor Michael and Dr. Kliser. To try it out, we have selected a patient who has a very ulcerous cancer of 6 to 12 centimeters. He has been operated on twice and you really had no hope to cure him.

  „After twelve sessions of fifteen minutes, which were distributed at one month, our patient is almost healed. The ganglia are gone and the tumor has regressed rapidly. He is now reduced to 3 centimeters to 2. „Thus, we have the strong hope that our patient is healed. Well understood, we will also deal with other cases of cancer, because we can buy us about the effectiveness of your telephone account.

  „I hope you great success will have to find in France, and I am convinced of your method which is of the utmost importance.

   „Please accept, dear Mr. Lakhovsky, the assurances of my highest consideration.“

Sig. D r Postma.

Dr. Rigaux, Director of the Institute of Biological Physics in Paris, who scored himself in numerous cases of cancer with the Multi-wave oscillator Lakhovsky healings, wrote on July 7, 1933 me:

    „Dear Mr. Lakhovsky.

  „Dr. … From Brussels writes to me on June 26, a letter, from which I am sending you the following extracts:

  „I have treated with the greatest success five inflammation of the prostate. In all these patients, the number of micturitions night has fallen from twenty-five to one or two. In another, the prostate, which had been examined by a urologist, and was the size of a tangerine, their normal forms and states recovered.

  „After one month of treatment was observed in a third prostatitis dieVerringerung the number micturition and the disappearance of hemorrhoidal disorders.

  „Among the other cases, which Dr. H. had the Lakhovsky Multi-wave apparatus in treatment, he recorded growths in duodenal and gastric curvature derkleinen, intestinal inflammation and a spastic colon, is the last twelve years. All of these patients have noted the absence of her pain, and her general condition has improved rapidly.  

  „You therefore see that you can achieve results in Paris not only with us, and that those who use the apparatus, not experienced as satisfaction.

  „Do you think, dear sir Lakhovsky, the assurances of my warmest feelings.“

     D r P. Rigaux,


de l’Institut de Physique Biologique.

  In the middle of February 1934, a doctor friend has a patient, Mrs X …, sent to me, whose face was eaten by an enormous cancerous lupus who exuded an unbearable smell and caused what this sick ghastly sufferings. Of course, I referred her for treatment with my apparatus Dr. Rigaux at the Institute of Biological Physics.

  Having examined this patient, he called me and made me a reproach to send him people in such a state and said it was downright wasted electricity that is completely lost. However, I told him, this patient was suffering very much, and it would be a good action to relieve their suffering.

  He then started to treat them, and from the second session told the patient not to suffer. Well understood at the Institute of Biological Physics is not thought fit, zuphotographieren this tumor, since there was no hope, even to achieve the slightest improvement.

  But what was great but our surprise, those of Dr. Rigaux as well mean, noted that in a single treatment per week a very noticeable improvement occurred, and in a way that after the ninth session of a quarter of an hour of the tumor by more than half had declined.

  It was decided then to photograph it, because it was still possible to distinguish on the face of the area on which the original tumor was located, which covered almost the entire front side to the middle of the forehead. He had a reddish track, caused by the new skin, leave that appears dark on the recording, around the rest of the tumor around (Fig. 16).

 It has been taken up again on April 18, 1934, and you can progress within a few weeks notice (Fig. 17).

Fig. 16 – Low mid-March 1934, after about one month of treatment of a cancerous lupus of the face with the oscillator. The dark zone around the Lupus around shows the extent of the tumor prior to treatment

Fig. 17 – Recording from April 18, 1934 of the same cancerous lupus. One notices that the tumor has continued to recede, dried and scarred, the dark skin Party has brightened; the fabric has become normal again.

Finally, yet another application, not less important, and what shows up to what point this apparatus is not only able to enhance the vitality of the body, which fights against the pathogenic causes, but also helps teeth that have been damaged by pus flow are to regenerate and cure.

  Moreover, Dr. Ch. Hulin, the excellent dental surgical hospital of the „Salpetriere“, presented two communications on this topic, the first on Thursday, July 20, 1933, in the odontological society of Paris, and the second on March 27 1934 can achieve the annual congress of the same company, in which he declared that he had achieved with my apparatus extremely remarkable healings of periodontitis that you previously had no other means

  Here is a summary:

  The local treatment of paradentösen states (alveolar Pyorrhee or parodontosis), which we introduced in the last few years, includes two important sections:

  1 o conversion of gingival connective tissue content of the cell of the reticuloendothelial system, in inert or sclerotic tissue, by intra-gingival injection of sklerogenen solution (quinine-urea to 1%)

  2 ° Secondary re-calcification of sclerotic tissue by ionization of calcium chloride with the aid of the multi-wave apparatus of Lakhovsky who has made us the best and fastest results.

  The local therapy of pyorrhöischen states is carried out efficiently in this way to give the best chemical results to this day.

  The appended hereto radiographic documents (Fig. 18) show the results of this new therapy, obtained after six intra-gingival sklerogenen injections and six sessions of 20 minutes of ionization with a solution of calcium chloride to 1%.

  The four radiographs were taken at the same location where the treatment took place with the Lakhovsky apparatus. One notices when I that the middle tooth is completely exposed in his cave. To the extent in which progresses the treatment can be achieved one observes the increasing bone formation of the tooth, a result which has never before

Laboratoires Colysa SA, 25 rue des Marronniers, Paris (16 e ).

Fig. 18th – The images I, II, III et IV show the phases of the progressive ossification of vonalveolärer Pyorrhee infected teeth under the influence of treatment with the multi-wave oscillator. The same applies to the two photographs on the left.


  In „Calvaire“ I have achieved excellent results with 4 meetings in a fortnight, in order to achieve tangible results at a distance of about 4 days, whereas I needed fifteen to twenty sessions „Hospital Necker“. We will see later that this difference has to do with the geology of the respective ground.

  In other hospitals, it took 25 till 26 sessions to achieve a complete cure. From current practice shows that it is recommended that the treatment after the fourth session to interrupt (in about a fortnight) for about two to three weeks. Then they can be resumed with a session in the week. The duration of treatment also depends to a large extent on the geological nature of the soil, as we shall see.

Influence of the geology of the soil to the treatment.

  During the four years in which my multi-wave apparatus is in various countries in the operation, I have as well as the Institute of Biological Physics received numerous observations, and I was whether the diversity of its effects depending on the region, where it was used, amazed ,

  For example, it was found that one has achieved in a hospital in Rome, the „Bambino Gesù“ some very satisfactory results, whereas the same apparatus has provided a few hundred meters only very mediocre results.

  In anticancer Institute of Montevideo have doctors who have used it, points to numerous healings which have exceeded their expectations.This was the same way in Groningen in Holland , in Gothenburg in Sweden and in Brussels the case.

  From Spain , however, reported to us in contrast, for cancer only very mediocre results.

Given these facts, I am reminded that I have experienced similar differences in various hospitals in Paris, as I have tried my apparatus.

  For example, I have the „Saint-Louis Hospital“ results achieved, which were both remarkably and quickly. A woman was healed in four sessions from a tumor of the face. Other very serious cases were also cured in 9 to 15 sessions.

  In „Calvaire“ it was the same (and very impressive quick results).

  On the other hand was in „Val-de-Grace“ the effect of the same apparatus slower and more hesitant, and in the „Hospital Necker“ it took 20 to 25 sessions to achieve an acceptable result. Under these circumstances, I immediately thought that the nature of the soil has an influence on our results.

  Now, as I studied the geological map of Paris, I have found, in fact, that the „Hospital Saint-Louis“ is built on a foundation, which consists of layers of chalky marl, which conduct electricity well. In contrast, in the „Val-de-Grâce“ the terrain of sand of Beauchamp is formed which isolated, along with some not quite clear debris. In „Necker“ is found in underground hard limestone, also insulating. Regarding the „Calvaire, the hospital is built on plastic clay, which conducts electricity very well. However, where I have achieved mediocre results, the soil is insulating.

  The explanation of this phenomenon is the following: from the fact, after the transmitting apparatus and the receiver are connected to the ground, the transmitting and receiving streams are at the time of the operation in resonance. The radiated energy of the former is fully offset by the second and then absorbed by the earth. But this absorption is a function of the conductivity of the soil.

 Ionization by the multi-wave apparatus

  One can be certain which: Every time you discover a cancerous tumor, which may always be his stage, and even at the very beginning that any cause exists for this cancer, which science so far has been unable to describe. In my view, the cause must be in vibration excessive imbalance of decisive cells, due to the radiation from dislocations and other causes of radiation, such as cosmic, telluric, atmospheric, sometimes on artificial radiation: X-rays, radium, ultraviolet rays, etc. …

  From therapeutic point of view, it is therefore to tackle two problems: eliminating the cause of the problem by the normal cell vibration is restored, and the destruction of the neoplastic cells.

  But now, if you eliminate the cause, it is achieved that the resistance of the organism is reinforced to cope even with the overgrowth. The organism, however, experienced this a very hard fight, in which he does not always triumph. But in case the overgrowth directly attacked by strengthening the cell vibration, the effect is extremely fast, and can be reached occasionally cures within a few weeks.

  There is nothing easier for superficial tumors by simultaneously ionization of usury tissue caused by the multi-wave apparatus.

  To achieve this result, the procedure is very simple. Man wetted in a suitable solution, which is given below, a gauze or cotton pad, the attaching as a bandage on the tumor.

  After the patient has been positioned in the radiation field of the multi-wave apparatus, it presses on the association, the mobile spiral electrode which is supplied with the apparatus, and which receives the waves. The high-frequency currents, which are fed through the electrode, pass through the tumor in the depth and transport the same to them, the ions of the molecules of those substances with which the Association wetted, and destroy the usury fabric.

  To our knowledge, the following are the most appropriate solutions to wet the dressing:

  Silver nitrate dissolved in distilled water at a ratio of 20 to 1,000.

  Potassium iodide, dissolved in distilled water in the ratio of 10 to 20 at 1,000.

  Methylene blue dissolved in distilled water at a ratio of 1.0 to 20 to 1,000.

  These substances are not desired for the various types of tumors. Depending on the case can be achieved with one or the other of these substances, the best results.

  If one has a few days after a meeting no result with a substance obtained, it is recommended to try one of the other two substances. In a very short time you will receive in this way the best results.

 All that we have just got to see the diversity of the results obtained, depending on the nature of the soil and the local conditions of ionization relates to the treatment of cancer.

  For all other diseases such as prostatitis, sciatica, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, gout, etc … as well as for general rejuvenation is the geological nature of the soil is of less importance, and is obtained without special precautions always appreciable results.


  Regarding the preventive standpoint one can, if one of the radiation of the apparatus once a week or even once every fortnight exposes himself, almost certain to be able to prevent colds and flu, and it strengthens the body in a way that it him allows victorious fight against any pathogenic cause and even cancer.

  Finally presents this apparatus no danger neither the practitioner nor for the patient is, according to the fact that its radiation has a frequency lower than infrared

From numerous experiments which have been made with plants and other organisms by Professor Vinzenzo Rivera from the Agricultural Institute of Perugia, resulting in the fact that all known today rays can be divided into two categories, the border is in the highlights yellow-green , This means that the green, blue, violet, ultra-violet, X-rays, radium and penetrating rays have the property to stop cell division and therefore are harmful. In contrast, the yellow, red, infra-red and the Hertz waves have the property to stimulate the cell division and accordingly exert a salutary influence.

  The Multi-wave oscillator is thus the first apparatus, which offers the physician the effect of all wavelengths. The oscillator freed him from all searching the Masses and the start-up and the application and protects automatically from the risks which amounts to the application of radiation to which is located in the spectrum above the octave of light.

Fig. 20th – Recording, made on the occasion of treatment by Mrs S …, the „Calvaire“. Behind the patient Dr. Marquer, chief physician of the hospital, Dr. Z …., Assistant, volunteer nurses and Georges Lakhovsky
